Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who share their experiences with each other, so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Founded in 2018, the 25-singer “Ave Musica” Chamber Choir practices and performs at the Lithuanian World Center and other venues.
The Mission proclaims the Gospel of Christ in the Lithuanian language, fosters Lithuanian religious traditions and customs, and empowers its youth to embrace Christian values.
The CLBL has 13 teams that compete on the weekends in the Lithuanian World Center Riškus Hall. The season runs from September to May.
The CLTTL plays at the Lithuanian World Center every Thursday at 7pm from November to May.
An 60-some singer ensemble led by musical director Darius Polikaitis that performs choral music in the Lithuanian, classical, and sacred traditions.
The Daughters of Lithuania provide assistance to the homeless, the sick, the poor, orphans, the elderly living in nursing home, families in financial need, and people with special needs in the USA, Lithuania, and other countries.
The Grandis dance ensemble, led by Violeta Fabianovich, includes 6 different age groups and practices weekly on Sunday evenings at the LWC.
The Interact Club of Chicagoland Lithuanians is a community service organization that brings together Lithuanian-American youth to promote cultural heritage and civic engagement through volunteer work and fundraising initiatives.
LITHS Soccer Club & Iron Wolf Youth Academy The club offers soccer training and league play for boys and girls ages 6-12. LITHS also competes in Men’s First Division and Over 48 categories in the National Metro Soccer League.
The Lithuanian American Community, Inc. seeks to preserve Lithuanian cultural identity for future generations.
Preserves and researches Lithuanian folk art from the past; creates, develops and fosters modern expressions of that heritage.
The Lithuanian Foundation sponsors Lithuanian culture and traditions in the U.S. and worldwide.
Committed to the preservation of Lithuanian culture, the Museum sponsors lectures, concerts, poetry readings, art exhibits, and art classes.
The LSA inspires young Lithuanians to become self-fulfilled individuals and to serve their country, community, and faith.
The archive and museum of the Lithuanian Scouts Association. It preserves books, magazines, and other publications that have to do with Scouts.
The LBA develops basketball teams of all ages that compete in various leagues and tournaments. The Academy practices at the LWC.
A K-10 Friday & Saturday school, in session September through May. Lithuanian language, literature, history, folk singing and dancing.
An ensemble of children in grades 2-8 led by Darius Polikaitis that performs sacred music once a month during 9am Sunday Mass.
A 30-some singer ensemble led by musical director Dalia Grabliauskienė that performs sacred music during 11am Sunday Mass.
A “mom and tots” group that provides Lithuanian-language activities for children from 18 months through 3 years old, along with their parents and/or grandparents.
Chicagoland Lithuanian Rotaract Club bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.
Silent Mercy’s mission is to provide essential services and support to individuals in need, including shelter, food, financial assistance, and companionship.
The Spindulys Lemont dance ensemble, led by Kastytis Šoliūnas, includes 3 different age groups and practices weekly on Sunday evenings.
One of the most popular and actively performing Lithuanian folk dance groups in North America is “Suktinis”.
The VYF sponsors Lithuanian-American students who belong to the Scouts Academics.
A pre-school for children ages 3-6. Regular classes, extended hours, and summer camps at the Lithuanian World Center.