Learn more about the Center and membership.
The Lithuanian World Center is the largest hub for Lithuanian culture and community outside of Lithuania. Since its founding in 1987, it has grown into a vibrant home for more than 50 Lithuanian organizations and hundreds of children, families, seniors, and friends. Here, the Catholic faithful attend Mass at the Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission, students at Žiburėlis and Maironis schools learn about Lithuanian traditions, artists showcase exhibitions at the Lithuanian Museum of Art, people of all ages enjoy singing Lithuanian songs and performing traditional folk dances, and more. Visitors from Lithuania often say: “It feels just like being back home…”
We hope that when you visit the Center and take part in activities here, you feel connected to our community – one of the largest and most active in the world. We believe you will agree that the Lithuanian World Center is a true treasure for all of us. Let’s preserve it together! Maintaining the Center costs $1.5 million annually, and much of our support comes from the generosity of donors like you. Today, we’re inviting you to join more than 1,000 individuals, families, organizations, and businesses that have donated $200 or more and have become members of the Center. Join this community of people who are passionate about Lithuanian heritage and keeping it alive – become a member of the Lithuanian World Center today! Your support will help us keep our doors open to everyone who loves being part of this special place.
Get to know the process for new membership.
To become a member, please donate $200 or more to the Lithuanian World Center via:
At the next Board of Directors meeting, the Board will officially confirm all new members.
Learn about the organizational structure at the Lithuanian World Center.
The Center is supported by its members, who elect the Board of Directors. The Board appoints the Executive Committee and hires the Executive Director, who is responsible for executing the Board’s vision. Each spring, during the Annual Members’ Meeting, the Board updates members on the Center’s projects, finances, and programs, highlighting what was accomplished over the past year. Members then have the opportunity to ask questions, re-elect current Board members, or elect new ones. To participate in the 2025 Annual Members’ Meeting and vote, you must become a member by December 31, 2024.
Learn about voting at the Lithuanian World Center.
For every incremental $200 donated, members receive one additional vote at the Members’ Meeting. For example, a member who has donated $2,000 will have 10 votes. These votes are useful for electing the Board of Directors and deciding on important resolutions, if needed.