At Lithuanian World Center, Front Lawn
14911 127th Street
Lemont, IL 60439
From Wikipedia: “Užgavėnės is a Lithuanian festival that takes place on the seventh week before Easter. Its name means ‘time before Lent.’ The celebration corresponds to Roman Catholic holiday traditions in other parts of the world, such as Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, and Carnaval.
Užgavėnės begins on the night before Ash Wednesday, when an effigy of winter (usually named Morė) is burnt. A major element of the holiday, meant to symbolize the defeat of winter in the northern hemisphere, is a staged battle between Lašininis (“porky”) personifying winter and Kanapinis (“hempen man”) personifying spring. Devils, witches, goats, the grim reaper, and other joyful and frightening characters appear in costumes during the celebrations. The participants and masqueraders dance and eat the traditional dish of the holiday – pancakes with a variety of toppings.”
This year, the Lithuanian World Center is hosting its very own Užgavėnės on Saturday, February 10, 2024, starting at 1:00 PM. Meet us on the front lawn of the Center and enjoy a bonfire, showdown between Lašininis and Kanapinis, games for the entire family, burning of the winter effigy, Lithuanian stew, delicious pancakes, and hot drinks. Admission is free.
Ar prisimenate, kaip Lietuvoje varydavome žiemą iš kiemo? Morės deginimą? Lašininio ir Kanapinio imtynes? Ar atsimenate, kaip būdavo linksma?
Pasižymėkite savo kalendoriuose vasario 10 d. ir susitikime Pasaulio lietuvių centro kieme, nes uoj vysim tą žiemą iš kiemo!
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Renginio data: vasario 10 d.
Renginio laikas: nuo 1 iki 3 val. po pietų.