At Lithuanian Museum of Art at the Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St.
Lemont, IL 60439
Friday, November 22nd, at 7:00 p.m.
Lithuanian Museum of Art
Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St., Lemont, IL
The Lithuanian Museum of Art invites you to an evening featuring performances by Lisa Kristina (piano) and Linda Veleckis (violin). Tickets are $30, or $40 for VIP seating (at tables). Reservations: (773) 704-0093.
While some portions of this event will be held in the Lithuanian language, most of the experience is meant to be accessible and engaging for non-speakers as well. All are welcome!
Penktadienį, lapkričio 22 d., 7:00 v.v.
Lietuvių dailės muziejuje
Pasaulio lietuvių centre
14911 127th St. Lemont, IL
Lietuvių dailės muziejus kviečia Jus į jaukų vakarą, kuriame gros Lisa Kristina (fortepijonu) ir Linda Veleckis (smuiku). Bilietai $30 arba $40 VIP (prie stalo). Rezervacijos tel. (773) 704-0093.