2:00 pm

Opening of Ritos Kybartienė’s Photography Exhibit “From Generation to Generation: The Rifleman – Defender of the Nation!”

At Chicago Lithuanian Center
5620 S. Claremont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60636

Opening of Ritos Kybartienė’s Photography Exhibit “From Generation to Generation: The Rifleman – Defender of the Nation!”

Sunday, February 16th, 2:00 p.m.
Chicago Lithuanian Center
Čiurlionis Gallery
5620 S. Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL

“There is no power in the world that can enslave a nation determined to defend its independence,” wrote Vladas Putvinskis-Pūtvis, founder of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union. We invite you to the opening of Ritos Kybartienė’s photography exhibit. For more information, contact Silvija at (773) 990-0739 or Viktorija at (773) 251-2934. Donation: $20.

While some portions of this event will be held in the Lithuanian language, most of the experience is meant to be accessible and engaging for non-speakers as well. All are welcome!


Ritos Kybartienės fotografijos parodos „Iš kartos į kartą. Šaulys – tautos karys!“ atidarymas

Sekmadienį, vasario 16 d., 2:00 v.p.p.
Jaunimo centre
Čiurlionio galerijoje
5620 S. Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL

„Nėra tokios jėgos pasaulyje, kuri galėtų pavergti tautą, tvirtai pasiryžusią ginti savo nepriklausomybę,“ rašė Lietuvos šaulių sąjungos kūrėjas Vladas Putvinskis-Pūtvis. Kviečiame visus į Ritos Kybartinės fotografijos parodos atidarymą. Su klausimais prašome skambinti Silvijai tel. (773) 990-0739 arba Viktorijai tel. (773) 251-2934. Auka $20.