At Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission at the Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St.
Lemont, IL 60439
Sunday, January 26th, 12:00 p.m.
Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission
Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St., Lemont, IL
Sunlight Children’s Aid invites everyone to a charity concert supporting children with disabilities living in impoverished communities in Lithuania. The concert will feature a performance by the Chicago Accordion Academy Ensemble.
Refreshments will be served after the concert.
Ticket prices: $30 (children $15) if purchased by January 24th. At the door: $35 (children $20).
For reservations, call (630) 852-3204 or email [email protected].
While some portions of this event will be held in the Lithuanian language, most of the experience is meant to be accessible and engaging for non-speakers as well. All are welcome!
Sekmadienį, sausio 26 d., 12:00 val.
Palaimintojo Jurgio Matulaičio misijoje
Pasaulio lietuvių centre
14911 127th St. Lemont, IL
„Saulutė“ kviečia visus į labdaros koncertą, skirtą paremti Lietuvoje gyvenančius vaikus su negalia, augančius skurdžiose bendruomenėse. Koncerto metu gros Čikagos akordeono akademijos ansamblis.
Po koncerto vyks vaišės. Bilieto kaina: $30 (vaikams $15) perkant prieš sausio 24 d. Prie durų: $35 (vaikams $20).
Rezervacijoms skambinkite (630) 852-3204 arba rašykite [email protected].