12:00 pm

Sunlight Children’s Aid Charity Concert Featuring the Chicago Accordion Academy Ensemble

At Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission at the Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St.
Lemont, IL 60439

Sunlight Children’s Aid Charity Concert Featuring the Chicago Accordion Academy Ensemble

Sunday, January 26th, 12:00 p.m.
Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission
Lithuanian World Center
14911 127th St., Lemont, IL

Sunlight Children’s Aid invites everyone to a charity concert supporting children with disabilities living in impoverished communities in Lithuania. The concert will feature a performance by the Chicago Accordion Academy Ensemble.

Refreshments will be served after the concert.

Ticket prices: $30 (children $15) if purchased by January 24th. At the door: $35 (children $20).

For reservations, call (630) 852-3204 or email [email protected].

While some portions of this event will be held in the Lithuanian language, most of the experience is meant to be accessible and engaging for non-speakers as well. All are welcome!

„Saulutės“ labdaros koncertas su Čikagos akordeono akademijos ansambliu

Sekmadienį, sausio 26 d., 12:00 val.
Palaimintojo Jurgio Matulaičio misijoje
Pasaulio lietuvių centre
14911 127th St. Lemont, IL

„Saulutė“ kviečia visus į labdaros koncertą, skirtą paremti Lietuvoje gyvenančius vaikus su negalia, augančius skurdžiose bendruomenėse. Koncerto metu gros Čikagos akordeono akademijos ansamblis.

Po koncerto vyks vaišės. Bilieto kaina: $30 (vaikams $15) perkant prieš sausio 24 d. Prie durų: $35 (vaikams $20).

Rezervacijoms skambinkite (630) 852-3204 arba rašykite [email protected].